- American Health Care Association www.ahcancal.org
- American Public Health Association www.apha.org
- Autism Connections – Autism Waiver Programwww.autismconnectionsma.org
- Autism Waiver Brochurewww.montgomeryschoolsmd.org
- Department of Developmental Serviceswww.mass.gov
- DDS Autism Waiver Service Program Overviewwww.mass.gov
- National Institute of Mental Health www.nimh.nih.gov/index.shtml
- National Institutes of Health www.health.nih.gov
- U.S. Department of Health & Human Services www.hhs.gov
- 211 Marylandwww.211md.org
- Mental Health Association of Marylandwww.mhamd.org
- National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Marylandwww.namimd.org
- Maryland Department of Healthwww.health.maryland.gov
- Maryland Office of Adult and Specialized Behavioral Health Serviceswww.bha.health.maryland.gov
- Baltimore Crisis Responsewww.bcresponse.org
- Behavioral Health System Baltimore (BHSB)www.bhsbaltimore.org
- Beacon Health Options of Maryland formerly ValueOptions of Marylandmaryland.beaconhealthoptions.com
- Healthcare Access Marylandwww.healthcareaccessmaryland.org
- Maryland Community Services Locatorwww.mdcsl.org
- Maryland Housing Search- Dept. of Housing and Community Developmentwww.mdhousingsearch.com
- Maryland Access Point- Your Link to Health and Support Serviceswww.marylandaccesspoint.info
- National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI)www.nami.org
- Network of Carewww.baltimorecity.md.networkofcare.org
- Substance Abuse Treatment Locatorfindtreatment.samhsa.gov